Searching for recipies that include red bell pepper:
Potato salad is a family gathering staple. It says "summer". It says, "Americana". It says boring. It's true, we love potatoes, but this dish can be boring, and fatty, and just blah. So, I've decided to take what we used to love so much and infuse it with flavors and textures we love. This Everyt...

Make this when you're sober.  Eat it when you're not.  So good you'll even remember it.  Promise.  (Don't forget to turn the oven off!)

This light, yet filling, any-night-of-the-week dinner is fresh and easily modifiable to your palate. I used a dry-saute method in this recipe and the video further explains how this is done.

When Cinco de Mayo falls on a Sunday - you brunch, Mexi style!

Happy Independence Day! Now, free up some time and offer this three-in-one dish to your party goers.  Put three staples together: Quinoa, Peppers and Potatoes, add a few spices and VIOLA!, you have a basic, yet, incredibly healthy, plant-based dish everyone will love.  And looky here - it's even Red...

An new take on the affordable Hot Pepper Stew the soldiers ate during the Revolutionary War to keep up their energy, this version leaves out the tripe and bacon, but adds in hearty beans, immune supporting kale and protein packed quinoa.  Still easy on the pocketbook, this new and improved version w...

The saltiness of the teriyaki and the sweetness of that pineapple slice is the perfect combination!  The tempeh has soaked up all the flavors and using two binders of oats and flax will be sure to keep this little guy nice and dense; no crumbles here!    

The ultimate one-pot meal! This plant-based riff on authentic Spanish Paella has deep layers of flavor that will have you scooping up the very last drop of goodness with big thick crusty bread!

Serve these at your next party and watch them disappear! The light and sweet pico de gallo atop the messy, yummy "pork" is the perfect combination!

This perfectly portioned is stuffed bell is packed with the protein you'll need to power through the day. Shoot, you can even eat the bowl.

Ingredients Index