Searching for recipies that include paprika:
When you sign up to bring the salad to this weekend's BBQ, they will not be expecting this! Leave the grilling to someone else this year and you bring the full meal in your pretty little salad bowl, you'll bring it home empty...

This thick and chunky robust soup is the easiest soup you will ever make that will win everyone over! With black beans, salsa and and the spices of your choosing, you can easily whip up this delicious soup in under 10 minutes!

Need to get your beans and greens in? This hearty little dish can be a side or the main event with its complex flavors and lots of texture. Batch this and enjoy it all week long!

Like bacon, but, ya know, better. Awesome on The New BLT.

A little smoky, a little spicy, this easy to come together recipe hits the senses, checks off the nutrients needed and keeps those calories low. Using one whole bunch of greens, to boot! Who needs a salad? Not you.

Who doesn't like a slider? Essentially just a mini burger, these little "meaty" Southwest inspired black bean patties will satisfy even your most carnivorous friends. Topped with a spicy mayo and they will wonder if it's YOU who has changed your dietary ways.  

As unappealing as it sounds to me, I have to give the creator of the Turducken some cred - that was pretty inventive. As the trends with the Thanksgiving turkey come and go (smoked, fried, stuffed into other species of birds...), too there has been a slow but apparent uprise in creative veg dishes s...

The perfect appetizer or even a full meal! These savory and smoky little stuffed 'shrooms make a great anytime food and you can make them ahead and pop them all week long!  

Throw this in the oven and try to tell me this doesn't wake up the rest of the family! They'll be rushing the kitchen pining for the pig, but you'll give them something with the same intoxicating flavor without the fat. Looking for protein, honey, it's PACKED!

I'm not eggplant's biggest fan, but when we start talking baba ghanouj, I'm all in! There is something about that sort of sweet, little tang, and bit of smoke that is in every bite! This really is the best!

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