Searching for recipies that include sea salt:
This is my 2015 Valentines Day submission and I dedicate it to all you men.  Let me let you in on a little something, all we gals really want is some thoughtfulness on this Hallmark Holiday, so my gift to you - the thought that will have your sweetie calling all her besties the next day swooning ove...

You're bringing stuffed mushrooms to a party? Can you say, Boooor-ing?!  It's an appetizer as old as the hills and you've just signed up to bring the cop out of all cop outs of party food.  Until now. Surprise those naysayers and show up with these Rosemary Cashew Cream and Tri-Colored Quinoa Stuf...

Now, HERE'S a healthy burger!  By adding spinach to these little patties, you can forgo that salad (kids, rejoice!), but still get your greens in.  Genius.  

As unappealing as it sounds to me, I have to give the creator of the Turducken some cred - that was pretty inventive. As the trends with the Thanksgiving turkey come and go (smoked, fried, stuffed into other species of birds...), too there has been a slow but apparent uprise in creative veg dishes s...

Did you used to slurp Hidden Valley Ranch Dressing like me? I remember thinking that stuff was insanely good and you could have put it on anything, in fact, I did.  But, no more.  Using sunflower seeds and a little creativity I whipped this up and would you believe i actually caught myself eating it...

Inspired by the Polynesian Islands where vanilla is often used, this creamy cashew coleslaw pairs perfectly with the salty and sweet Pineapple Tempeh Teriyaki Slider.

Tofu, yes you ca-do! This is a perfect brunch dish (anytime, really) as it's easy enough to whip up for just your or a crowd. It keeps for about 3-4 days, covered in the fridge, and it very versatile. Add whatever vegetables you'd like (or maybe none at all - I don't want to hear about that!), spice...

I find this basil to be great on heavier dishes like pasta or pizza because the lemon adds a balancing brightness. This also works well on root vegetable chips (especially beet chips) as the earthy undertones of the roots and the citrus in the fruit compliment each other well.

Yeah, so everybody does a white bean chili, so what?  So, here's one that is quick, oil-free, gluten free, cholesterol free, but alas!... packed with layers of flavor!  Take this to your next chili competition and send me a pic of that trophy, my friend. 

Like hummus, except, ya know...fancier.

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