
Using the name 'pesto' liberally, this kale and basil spread does have hints of the popular dish, just without the oil and dairy. But, boy, will you still loooove it!

Inspired by a recent trip to Mexico, this ceviche is full of flavor & nutrients, and it keeps the fish at bay... But, what about that light waft from the sea that traditional ceviche delivers? Easy, I've swapped the fish for hearts of palm and sprinkled in dried kelp flakes to remind you of the...

Let's just call it what it is - vegan Nutella.

In this Easy Marinara, less is definitely more. The flavors are light, yet layered.  I think you'll be surprised.

I played with calling this my Kitchen Sink Salad Dressing because I really did rummage around and started adding ingredients to a mason jar. I wasn't under any pressure, no deadlines looming, truthfully, I really just had greens that needed a bit of flavor. It's kind of neat what happens when you tr...

Did you used to slurp Hidden Valley Ranch Dressing like me? I remember thinking that stuff was insanely good and you could have put it on anything, in fact, I did.  But, no more.  Using sunflower seeds and a little creativity I whipped this up and would you believe i actually caught myself eating it...

You want your pesto and you want it oil free, whaaaa...? Done.  Take these 4 simple ingredients, give 'em a whirl and ta-da! creamy (I even heard the word 'decadent') fresh basil and walnut pesto you'll make again and again. Promise.   

So quick and easy that this introduction is a higher word count than the recipe itself. You'll love it. 

We've taken the classic oil-free STLVegGirl traditional hummus and holidazed (a word, I'm sure of it) by adding one simple ingredient to each of the two batches. Fresh basil will green up one batch and blending in roasted red peppers will give you the red holiday hue everyone will for sure scoop up....