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Like bacon, but, ya know, better. Awesome on The New BLT.

A little smoky, a little spicy, this easy to come together recipe hits the senses, checks off the nutrients needed and keeps those calories low. Using one whole bunch of greens, to boot! Who needs a salad? Not you.

This is that last little bit of UMPH that so many recipes need. Keep this in your fridge to make that creamy soup go from good to great!

My love for the Snickers Bar runs deep. My sass of a grandma was the absolute best. I keep her with me every day - her wedding ring is next to mine (ask to see it sometime!), and next to this priceless band, I learned many life lessons from her: buy, don't shop; go to the party; when the phone conv...

Sour cream for all of your sour cream needing dishes. You'll never know the difference.

FEBRUARY IS HEART HEALTH MONTH:: Whip up this heart healthy one pot meal in less than 30 minutes and you can eat all week! This oil-free and gluten free plant based pot of perfection that includes immune supportive kale and fiber/protein packed quinoa and beans will have your tummy satisfied and tha...

Now, HERE'S a healthy burger!  By adding spinach to these little patties, you can forgo that salad (kids, rejoice!), but still get your greens in.  Genius.  

Who doesn't like a slider? Essentially just a mini burger, these little "meaty" Southwest inspired black bean patties will satisfy even your most carnivorous friends. Topped with a spicy mayo and they will wonder if it's YOU who has changed your dietary ways.  

As unappealing as it sounds to me, I have to give the creator of the Turducken some cred - that was pretty inventive. As the trends with the Thanksgiving turkey come and go (smoked, fried, stuffed into other species of birds...), too there has been a slow but apparent uprise in creative veg dishes s...

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